miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

Read Justin Bieber biography and answer the questions:

Born on March 1, 1994, in London, Ontario, Canada, Justin Bieber was raised by a single mom in the small town of Stratford. Bieber, whose debut album, My World, hit stores in November 2009, is a true overnight success, having gone from an unknown, untrained singer whose mother posted YouTube clips of her boy performing, to a budding superstar with a big-time record deal, all in just two years.

Bieber always had an interest in music. His mother gave him a drum kit for his second birthday and, as he tells it, he was "basically banging on everything I could get my hands on."

But it was an obscure talent contest in his hometown, in which the 12-year-old Bieber finished second that put him on the road to superstardom. As a way to share his singing with family, Justin and his mom began posting clips of Bieber performing covers of Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, and Ne-Yo on YouTube.

Within months, Justin was an Internet sensation, with a large following of fans, and an eager manager arranging for the teenager to fly to Atlanta to consider a record deal. There, Bieber had a chance meeting with Usher, who eventually signed the young singer to a contract.

To answer the question push to worksheep

10 comentarios:

  1. Hello Maria,
    Like myself I can see you have been busy updating your blog, this latest addition is great especially for older primary girls!! Also the general blog page is looking better.We will probably be blogging each other unless we get a few more classmates signing up soon.

    1. Thank you Jeremy,
      I was changing the style of my blog several times. At the end I have decided it. This is my first blog and I think is an useful tool.

  2. Hi Maria,
    Thanks for the comment you wrote on my blog. I like very much the content of your blog, because I think you have been able to propose interesting activities. Like Jeremy says, your female students will be very interested on the Justin Bieber activity you added...
    By the way, I´d like to ask you if you allow me to have a link to your blog on my blog.

    1. Hi Sergio,
      You can add a link in your blog.
      thank you

  3. Hello Maria,
    I have seen your blog and I like specially this activity. I'm teaching to 5th of primary and my students love everything related to Justin Bieber. I think that when students work with something which motivates them, they work harder and they try to do their best.
    Thank you for sharing your activities with us.
    Mª Carmen Sánchez

  4. Good night María,

    thank you for giving us your link and congratulations for the blog.

    I think you have had a fantastic idea with your reading activity. Justin Bieber is a person you must know when you interact with children even primary pupils know details about his life.

    A friend of my niece, who is six years old now, was explainig to me an accident that occurred at one of his concerts. That gives an idea of how appealing for pupils this activity is.

    Working comprehension with easy texts is good because children do not read as much as we would like so improving this skill is a wise option we must take into account.

    Reading in English is quite important and it will give them new vocabulary that with the time will improve their speaking skills too.

    I like the format you have choosen for the blog, this shelves that look like a libray. I have read you were trying different options, something I did too, your final option is nice.

    Congratulations again María

    Reyes Quintela

  5. Hey Maria, your blog is very nice and this activity is very motivating for teenagers. I had a small problem when clicking on HotPotatoes activity that has taken me to a broken link dropbox. But if I don't click right there, I don't have any trouble with the activity
    Best regards

  6. Hi Maria
    My first thought it has been owww the girls of my class are going to fricking out with this activity, they are in love with this singer.
    I really like the quiz help to check if you are understand the reading.
    Just tell you there is a mistake in question number 4 it just a misspellingin the question word where.

  7. Hi Maria

    I like this activity. Students may be very interested in the lives of their idols.

  8. Hi Mary,

    Congratulations for your work. It is a very motivating activity. It is highly adapted and formulated for students at this level.

    I'm sure you'll have great success with this type of activity.

    My sincere congratulations for your activities.

    PD. The dropbox link itself works fine.
